, Volume 14, Issue 2, No 27, Year 2025 , Pages 43-58

    The Necessity of Paying Attention to Discontinues Rational Indications in Understanding What God Almighty Means by the Appearance of Verses, with the Approach of Answering Doubts

    Article Type: 
    Ali akbar Babaei / Associate Professor, the Department of Qur'anic Studies, Research Institute of Hawzeh and University / ababayi@rihu.ac.ir
    One of the factors effective in interpreting the Qur'an and understanding what God Almighty means by verses is rational indications. Rational indications are of two kinds: 1. Obvious knowledge and information understood from the appearance of verses that are considered as continuous rational indications. 2. Rational arguments or theoretical rational knowledge which are discontinuous indications of verses. There is no disagreement about the effect of obvious knowledge on the appearance of verses and the necessity of paying attention to it in the interpretation of verses, but there are disputes about the need to pay attention to rational arguments or theoretical rational knowledge in understanding what God Almighty’s means by the appearance of verses. Some have regarded it so obvious and evident and some have argued against the need to understand the appearances of the Qur'an based on the rational knowledge. Using the analytical method, this article discusses the necessity of paying attention to theoretical rational knowledge in understanding what God Almighty means by the verses. Stating three introductions and then using the "analytical-critical" method, it responds to the arguments and doubts raised by the opponents
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :لزوم توجه به قرائن عقلی منفصل در فهم مراد خدای متعال از ظاهر آیات با رویکرد پاسخ به شبهات
    یکی از عوامل مؤثر در تفسیر قرآن و فهم مراد خدای متعال از ظهور آیات، قرائن عقلی است، قرائن عقلی دوگونه است: 1. معرفت ها و معلومات بدیهی صارف از ظهور آیات که از قرائن عقلی متصل شمرده می شود. 2. برهان های عقلی یا معلومات عقلی نظری که از قرائن منفصل آیات است. در تأثیر معلومات بدیهی در ظهور آیات و لزوم توجه به آن در تفسیر آیات اختلافی نیست، ولی در لزوم توجه به برهان های عقلی یا معلومات عقلی نظری در فهم مراد خدای متعال از ظهور آیات اختلاف است. گروهی آن را مسلّم و مفروغ عنه دانسته اند و برخی در مخالفت با آن بر بی نیازی فهم ظواهر قرآن از علوم عقلی به وجوهی استدلال کرده اند. در این مقاله نخست با روش تحلیلی، لزوم توجه به معلومات عقلی نظری در فهم مراد خدای متعال از آیات با بیان سه مقدمه تبیین شده و سپس با روش «تحلیلی ـ انتقادی»، ادله مخالفان آن بررسی و به شبهات آنان پاسخ داده می شود.
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    Babaei, Ali akbar.(2025) The Necessity of Paying Attention to Discontinues Rational Indications in Understanding What God Almighty Means by the Appearance of Verses, with the Approach of Answering Doubts. , 14(2), 43-58


    Ali akbar Babaei."The Necessity of Paying Attention to Discontinues Rational Indications in Understanding What God Almighty Means by the Appearance of Verses, with the Approach of Answering Doubts". , 14, 2, 2025, 43-58


    Babaei, A.(2025) 'The Necessity of Paying Attention to Discontinues Rational Indications in Understanding What God Almighty Means by the Appearance of Verses, with the Approach of Answering Doubts', , 14(2), pp. 43-58


    Babaei, A. The Necessity of Paying Attention to Discontinues Rational Indications in Understanding What God Almighty Means by the Appearance of Verses, with the Approach of Answering Doubts. , 2025; 14(2): 43-58