ًQur'an Shinakht

    Publisher: The Imam Khomeini Education & Research institute
    Director-in-Charge: Mahmoud Rajabi
    Deputy Editor:
    Executive Director: seyyed hasan Hoseini amini
    Phone: 02532113473
    Address: Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research, Floor 4, Blv. Jomhoori-e-Islami, Blv. Amin, Qom, Iran
    Postal Code: 37165-186
    Email: marifat@qabas.net
    Print ISSN: 2008-1987

    شماره جاری: سال هفدهم، شماره اول، پیاپی 32، بهار و تابستان 2024، 365 صفحهویژه نامه کنگره یکصدمین سالگشت بازتاسیس حوزه علمیه قم

    Current Issue: Volume 17, No 1, Number 32, Spring & Summer 2024, 365 pagesویژه نامه کنگره یکصدمین سالگشت بازتاسیس حوزه علمیه قم

    Tags Cloud

    8 Allama Tabatabai
    8 the Quran
    5 Al-Mizan Commentary
    5 Allameh Tabatabai
    4 Qom Islamic seminary
    4 Interpretation of the Quran
    4 interpretation
    4 Orientalists
    4 thematic interpretation
    4 Allamah Tabatabaii
    4 the Qom seminary
    3 Language
    3 Aesthetics
    3 Interpretation of Sura al-Baqara
    3 14th century
    3 nature
    3 semantics
    3 inimitability of the Quran
    3 exegesis of the Quran
    3 guardianship
    2 fourteenth century
    2 Islamic Seminary of Qom
    2 meaning
    2 challenge
    2 servitude
    2 Interpretive figures
    2 : the Quran
    2 Hijab
    2 semantic field
    2 Quran